A selection of interesting and insightful videos every Wednesday

Terra Spheres Terra Spheres

Watch It Wednesday #14

An overview of carbon capture and why it will be crucial in mitigating future climate change.

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Terra Spheres Terra Spheres

Watch It Wednesday #13

The terrible impacts of plastic pollution on marine life and some of the people taking direct action to mitigate the damage.

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Terra Spheres Terra Spheres

Watch It Wednesday #11

A devastating heat wave in BC & how Jamaican fishers are revitalizing fish populations and coral reefs.

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Terra Spheres Terra Spheres

Watch It Wednesday #10

From small villages to the countries main grid: find out how the Dominican Republic is transitioning to renewables.

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Terra Spheres Terra Spheres

Watch It Wednesday #7

Getting rid of trash in New York City: from dumping it into the ocean to intricate waste-to-energy systems.

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Terra Spheres Terra Spheres

Watch It Wednesday #6

How do you transition a city-state of 5.8 million people off fossil fuels by 2050? Ask your neighbor for help!

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Terra Spheres Terra Spheres

Watch It Wednesday # 4

With over twice the protein per 100 grams as beef and a far smaller environmental impact, would you eat cricket-based food products?

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Riley Richardson Riley Richardson

Watch It Wednesday #1

Check out an innovative business centered on recycled goods in Sweden and a combined hydroelectricity and solar energy generation station in Thailand.

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“Our problems are manmade — therefore,
they can be solved by man.”