Terra Spheres aims to build individual understanding to inform collective action
“Before it is too late, we should embark in earnest on the most fundamental existential (and also truly revolutionary) task facing modern civilization, that of making any future growth compatible with the long term preservation of the only biosphere we have”
Our mission
Climate change, and the drivers behind it, represent the most encompassing and pressing threats to the Earth’s spheres. Often used as a buzzword on all sides of political and socio-economic spectrums, Terra Spheres aims to remove the partisanship and deal with the facts and evidence while acknowledging varying viewpoints to incite collaboratively developed and equitable outcomes.
While the news, reports, and future projections often paint a bleak picture of the future, the changes we have seen and the changes that are to pass are driven by our collective behavior and actions, and thus WE have the opportunity to make it better.
Through education, engagement, and research we hope to develop solutions for the future that not only reduce our impact on the environment and mitigate future climate change, but also providing opportunities for growth and development.
Goals & vision
Provide informative and factual articles on climate change, energy, and sustainability.
Create an environmentally-conscious community that encourages and supports sustainable action through our collective spheres of influence.
Engagement and collaboration on the Spheres platform, supporting learning, and organizing direct action events.
In setting out to achieve these three primary goals, we hope to achieve our vision of a more informed society that is inspired to implement innovative solutions for a more prosperous and sustainable future.