Watch It Wednesday #55

2023 stands out as the warmest year since the onset of the Industrial Revolution, marking a disturbing trend. The last decade has consistently ranked as the hottest on record, underscoring the urgency of reducing emissions and understanding the ongoing and future changes to Earth's systems.

This week's video showcases the importance of monitoring and keeping the long term record of Earth's temperature trends. The video delves into the crucial role of these datasets in comprehending the multitude of intricate factors influencing climate. 

While the elevated temperatures in 2023 can be attributed to a combination of human-induced factors and natural phenomena such as El Niño, NASA's meticulous observations reveal discernible year-over-year changes. These changes underscore the emergence of lasting and human induced impacts on our planet's climate. As we grapple with the consequences of our actions, it becomes imperative to heed these indicators and take decisive steps toward mitigating the long-term effects of climate change by shifting towards emissions free or low emissions energy sources.

Check out this weeks video to find out more!


Watch It Wednesday #56


Watch It Wednesday #54