Terra Spheres

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Watch It Wednesday #33

A ground-breaking new paper reinvestigates the planets historic climate, reinforcing what was put forth in Mann et al.’s. paper in 1990 (i.e., the famous hockey stick graph) which used proxy data to provide conclusive evidence that the global average temperature was quite consistent up until the industrial revolution.

This new research, published in Nature, used thousands of proxy data measurements from across the globe going as far back as 24,000 years ago to reconstruct the Earth’s past climate. The findings of the paper puts warming since the industrial revolution in even more stark contrast to a remarkably stable global climate that had existed for thousands of years. Osman et al.’s paper shows that the change in global temperature since the industrial revolution is unprecedented since the last ice age, and therefore beyond any warming experienced by modern humans over the past 10,000 years.

Take a look to see why Mann’s paper was correct (despite claims against it) and how we have deepened our understanding of the planets climate over the past 30 years.